How do I edit the weight and color of the grid lines on a graph paper ?

There are three settings available for grid lines:

To include or exclude a line —
Tap a square color tile turns a line on or off.

Line weight
Tap a different line weight to change the heaviness of the line.

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To change line color —

Tap a color circle to change to a different line color in that palette.

To switch to a different palette or create a custom palette —

  1. Switch to a different palette. Find the Palette icon near the bottom of the side tool bar. Open the Palette tool. The Palette tool opens on the current palette. Scroll through the Palettes. Because the grid instantly changes color as you scroll you can really see how different palettes look on your grid. Pause the wheel on a palette to choose it. Return to editing your grid.

    Non-Photo Blue palette. Among the included palettes is one that can be very helpful in special circumstances. It is the palette with a color tile for ‘Non-Photo Blue.’ This is a line color that is invisible to most copiers and will not be reproduced when copied. Scroll to find this palette near the bottom of the list. For situations that call for it, this palette can make working with any paper easier and make a more polished final grid.

  2. Create a custom palette. Open the Palette menu on the side tool bar. Tap '+ Add' to begin palette creation . (Tip: Scroll to a palette with colors close to the palette you want to create before tapping +Add.)

    Tap a color to see its RGB value. There are two ways to change a color — use the +/- keys to step the RGB value or enter a value.

    Notice how the color tile instantly updates as the RGB value changes. If a line is assigned that color position on the grid, the line on the grid is also instantly updated as well.

    Once you are happy with the colors in the new line palette, give the new palette a name and dismiss the popup. The new palette is listed at the top of the menu. It is available to every graph paper.

    Tip: If you find it frustrating to set RGB colors, search the internet for a websites that suggest RGB color palettes.