PicColors Frequently Asked Question

How do I choose which color theory, RGB or RYB, to use?

The two most popular color wheels, RGB and RYB, represent different color theories and have their own unique color complements and harmonies.

• Red-Green-Blue is the native color mode for displays.

• Red-Yellow-Blue is the traditional color system that is familiar to most.

Color is complex. That is why color wheels were created. Color wheels try to show the relationship between colors. The two most popular color wheels, RGB and RYB, represent different color theories and have their own unique color complements and harmonies.

Red-Green-Blue is the native color mode for displays. It is an additive mode of color used for mixing colors of light. White results when all are mixed.

Red-Yellow-Blue is the traditional color system that is familiar to most. It is a subtractive mode of color and is used for reflected colors. One example of a reflected color is paint as its color is seen when reflected off a wall. Because the RYB color wheel may suggest colors that are more pleasing to the eye, it is a good option. Black results when all are mixed.